
South Australia’s Inaugural Cross Border Commissioner Appointed.

Forest industries welcome the appointment of Liz McKinnon as South Australia’s inaugural Cross
Border Commissioner.

The South Australian Forest Products Association CEO, Nathan Paine, congratulates the State Government for fulfilling another election commitment which will positively influence the border communities and the ambitions of the forest industries to grow the industry into the future.

“The appointment of Liz McKinnon as the Cross Border Commissioner is a massive win for the South Australia’s border communities and we are grateful that the Government has moved quickly to implement this key election commitment”, said Mr Paine.

“Liz brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the role of Cross Border Commissioner and will be a fierce advocate and pillar of strength for all South Australian border communities. “Having worked with the Liz during her tenure as Executive General Manager of the Green Triangle Forest Industries Hub (GTFIH) we believe the Government has made an outstanding appointment”, continued Mr Paine.

“The South-East community of Mount Gambier are overjoyed with the State Government’s announcement, as the new Cross Border Commissioner is a position that will advocate for all the residents, businesses and community organisations in the cross border communities whilst addressing issues and facility collaboration and engagement activities”, said Mr Paine.

“The South Australian Forest Products Association look forward to working with the State Government and the new Cross Border Commissioner on a number of our policy initiatives, such as the harmonization of CFS and CFA training requirements, infrastructure and transport challenges, skill shortages within forestry, and attracting people to the regions”, said Mr Paine.

“We would like to congratulate Troy Bell for his ongoing advocacy and support for the creation of this role”.

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