Who We Are

2 Who We Are SA

SAFPA was formed in June 2020 and is a Committee of the Board of the Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) under a special delegation.

SAFPA represents all elements of the value chain from the sustainable establishment and management of plantations, harvesting and haulage, processing of timber resources and manufacture of products and bioproducts.

SAFPA is a policy development, lobbying and advocacy organisation for our members interests. We collaborate strongly with other industry bodies to ensure the best outcomes for the industry generally and our members more specifically. Our charter provides autonomy to manage State issues and we cooperate with AFPA on any issue that transcends State borders and has National implications.

SAFPA have established a sub-committee structure to ensure the range of issues affecting the industry in South Australia are actively managed and that the workload is shared across the membership.


Objectives of SAFPA

To provide a vehicle for effective and efficient policy determination for the forest and forest products industry in South Australia.

Shape, prioritise and drive development of forest and forest products sector South Australian policy (or policy with South Australian ramifications) for the benefit of the Industry.

Raise the profile of the industry in South Australia with community opinion leaders, for the purpose of ensuring the industry is relevant, profitable and sustainable.

Develop and champion environmental, social, safety, ethical and other standards for adoption in the industry.

Develop and maintain cohesive and positive working relationships with other bodies within the Industry.

Influence and contribute to policy development of AFPA, Chambers within AFPA and the broader forest and forest products industries.

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