
Forestry Masterplan launched to transform the region 

South Australia’s forest industries congratulate the Malinauskas Labor Government on the launch of the Forest Industries Domestic Manufacturing and Infrastructure Master Plan, the delivery of another election commitment.  

“On behalf of the forest industries, we congratulate Premier Malinauskas and the Minister for Forest Industries on executing another election commitment and officially launching the Forest Industries Domestic Manufacturing and Infrastructure Master Plan”, said Ms Tammy Auld, Chair of the South Australian Forest Products Association Governing Council.  

“The Masterplan has been developed in consultation with stakeholders from the forest and timber industries through the revitalised Forest Industries Advisory Council with an aim to work towards a future where all fibre grown in the region will be locally processed”, continued Ms Auld.    

“South Australian Forest Products Association (SAFPA) are grateful to the State Government, especially the Minister for Forest Industries, the Honourable Clare Scriven, for listening and working in collaboration with the industry to deliver this Master Plan. We know that if we can process all the fibre grown in the region, we have the ability to create over 20,000 new jobs, ensuring that South Australia has sovereign fiber capacity at the same time as decarbonizing our economy”, Ms Auld said.  

“With projects such as the Fennell Forestry electric log truck, the Government isn’t just talking about change, but supporting transformation and innovation within the region”, continued Ms Auld.  

“Our industry certainly believes that the forest industries have a big role at the heart of the Government’s ambition for re-industralisation , and we look forward to continuing our working relationship with the Minister, Premier and all members of Parliament to protect, enhance and innovate our beloved forest industries”, concluded Ms Auld.  



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