
National Forestry Day – Nature’s Carbon Store  

Today marks National Forestry Day, a day that acknowledges and celebrates the contributions our forest and timber industries make to our nation, particularly as our industry produces nature’s carbon store material, the ultimate renewable – timber! 

“This year, National Forestry Day shines a light on the industry being nature’s carbon store and how Australia’s forest industries also contribute to the fight against climate change, with our trees absorbing carbon as they grow and locking it up in the products that are made”, said Mr Nathan Paine, Chief Executive Officer of the South Australian Forest Products Association.  

“Reducing emissions is a critical pathway to meeting Australia’s greenhouse gas reduction targets but so too is greater emissions capture, both natural and technology based. Australia’s forest products sector can make a major contribution via carbon sequestration through tree growing and via the creation of sustainable and renewable products”, continued Mr Paine.  

“Essentially our nation and our lives are built and reliant on forestry! Our homes and offices are full of forest products. From the house-frame in the walls and roof, to the timber floors and benchtops, right through to paper in the printer and toilet paper in the bathroom, we cannot live without forestry”, said Mr Paine.   

“With global demand for wood-fibre based products continuing to grow, there are greater opportunities for our industry to combat climate change and decarbonize our economy through more tree plantations – a sought after policy initiative to address our timber needs, our economy and regional communities”.   

“So, this National Forestry Day, take a moment to celebrate and appreciate the forest and timber industries and their contribution to fighting climate change, supporting the State economy and creating the essential and sustainable products we all love, need and use every day”.   

National Forestry Day is an initiative of the Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) and state-based advocacy associations to raise awareness of the forest industries contribution to our national and state economies, environment and communities. 


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