
New Co-Gen Project to power a decarbonised future

South Australian Forest Products Association congratulates OneFortyOne on its $90 million investment in a renewable power generation project at its Jubilee Sawmill in Mount Gambier, a project that will further decarbonise the ultimate renewable, the forest industries! 

“The Green Triangle is renowned as Australia’s premier softwood plantation and processing hub, and now, with today’s announcement by OneFortyOne, the forest industries will take a great step forward on the path to decarbonisation”, said Mr Nathan Paine, CEO of the South Australian Forest Products Association. 

“OneFortyOne’s investment into a renewable cogeneration power project will deliver a 50% reduction in OneForty One’s total scope 1 emissions and over 85 per cent of their total scope 2 emissions, saving over 9,000 tCO2e. Not only will this new cogeneration facility generate all the energy for the Jubilee sawmill, the largest sawmill in Australia, it is estimated to generate 20,000 mWh of excess renewable electricity which will be returned to the grid or in the future used to power vehicles and machinery”, said Mr Paine. 

“The decarbonisation of OneFortyOne’s Jubilee Sawmill is a clear statement piece to policy makers that forestry is the ultimate renewable, as forestry captures and stores more carbon than they emit, and better yet, is now using renewable energy sources to power their own sawmill practices”, continued Mr Paine.

“Evidence shows that every cubic meter of finished softwood product sequesters a gross 900kg CO2-e and a net 718 kg CO2-e. As our industry seeks to decarbonise in an ambitious drive to reduce our emission, leadership like this from OneFortyOne demonstrates the focus, commitment and investment in creating a cleaner, safer and more prosperous future. 

“With businesses leading through the discovery and implementation of innovative technologies, just like OneFortyOne’s renewable project, it illustrates that new technologies and new pathways can, and will, decarbonise our economy”, said Mr Paine.  

“Congratulations to the team at OneFortyOne for further decarbonising the ultimate renewable industry.  The future is bright with forestry leading by example to achieve a cleaner, greener future”, concluded Mr Paine.  


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