
SAFPA secures $2 million boost for forest products innovation at Mt Gambier centre

The South Australian Forest Products Association (SAFPA) welcomes the State Government’s commitment of $2 million over four years for the National Institute of Forest Products Innovation (NIFPI) in
Mount Gambier, SAFPA CEO Nathan Paine said today.

“SAFPA has worked closely with the Marshall Government and especially Primary Industries Minister David Basham to secure this new funding commitment to ensure the light of forest products
innovation continues to burn brightly in the south-east,” Mr Paine said.

“The NIFPI model has been hugely successful and it’s critical the research centre continues in the Green Triangle which is home to nearly 20 per cent of Australia’s plantation estate and world class
sawmilling and forest product manufacturing operations.”

The Mount Gambier NIFPI centre has partnered with a range of institutions including the University of South Australia on numerous research projects focusing on such things as heath and safety,
improving industry productivity, recognition of carbon storage and fire management.

“Thousands of South Australians are proudly employed in forest industries across the State and increased NIFPI funding means work can be done to keep them at the forefront of innovation into the
future,” Mr Paine concluded.

The original media release is here: 210730 SAFPA MR – SAFPA secures $2 million boost for forest products innovation at Mt Gambier centre 300721


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